Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Really is Coming! Honestly!

Wow!!! Here we are everyone! Spring at Last!!! least…I think…it’s wait…what the?? …HEY!!! What is that little white stuff I see falling out of the sky?? You have got to be kidding me!!!

There are times that I’m thrilled to have been born in Canada and appreciate so many things about living in this amazing and beautiful country of ours...but SERIOUSLY, after encountering a winter like this past one that even the SNOWMOBILERS were complaining about…it makes me wonder if I was born in the right place after all.

However, the one thrill in having experienced what no one can comprehend without actually living here …is that when Spring does begin to peep through the suddenly melting snow, it makes our hearts soar in a way that few things do.

In all honesty, I had to stop listening to the weather reports…I mean…Who really wants to feel hopeless on top of the cold and endless, snow, ice and freezing rain?

But then one day I heard the sound…and it happened on a day when several co-workers let me know more of the white stuff was still being predicted…yet when I heard the sound…I knew the winter of discontent was finally ending despite the evil reports…because regardless of what we had experienced I knew these birds (only seen when Spring is a looming reality) would not be making their appearance or be singing their song of hope for a better season…unless it was true. As I looked out the window to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating, there before me stood a little quartet of robins…singing their hearts out to welcome what their instincts were telling them was at last on the way.

So welcome, Spring!! …Welcome beautiful, warm, weather…holding a promise of an even lovelier Summer…and Easter…sweet Easter is really on the way…in fact just a few days away….Wait!! What did the weatherman just say is being predicted… in April????....NOOOOOOOOOOOO…snow and freezing rain???....Those robins are in BIG trouble!! 

-Catey, New Home Specialist @ Parkview Homes

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